ITWomen's "Hidden Figures" – 2017 Looking Back and Ahead

President’s Message Since our inception in 2002, ITWomen has been on a mission to Advance Women across Technology. Today, we are even more committed to moving that diversity dial, one man, woman and child at a time 🙂   So as we look to amplify our impact in 2017, I am incredibly proud of the…

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Office Depot eCommerce Focuses on OmniChannel Integration

OmniChannel marketing is the driving passion for Office Depot’s eCommerce Strategist Kevin Moffitt. Kevin focused on the Agile model in his keynote speech on Digital Insights at ITWomen’s Professional Development event at the company’s world headquarters in Boca Raton March 14. Cheri Siedle, Office Depot’s Senior Director of eCommerce Product Management, provided a roadmap for finding opportunities in…

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Cheri Siedle, Sr. Director, eCommerce Product Development, Office Depot

ITWomen welcomes Cheri Siedle, Office Depot’s Sr. Director of eCommerce Product Management, as a featured speaker with eCommerce VP Kevin Moffitt at our March Professional Development program. Cheri develops and executes upon a multi-year strategic roadmap, setting the customer experience vision and strategy for her teams. She is focused on finding ways to effectively evolve and drive…

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Office Depot's Kevin Moffitt Drives World-Class Online Customer Experience

  The shift to mobile and digital is transforming business and customer behavior at lightning speed. Don’t miss Kevin Moffitt, Office Depot’s VP, eCommerce Strategy, and Senior Director Cheri Siedle on succeeding in this competitive landscape. Join us March 14 in Boca Raton at the world headquarters of one of the world’s largest eCommerce enterprises. [button link=”” type=”big”]…

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Office Depot Leaders Presenting eCommerce Insights March 14 – RSVP Now

Don’t miss our next Professional Development program at the Office Depot auditorium Monday March 14. This is a rare opportunity to take away the best eCommerce trends you can use now from one of the world’s largest eCommerce enterprises. LEARN FROM THE EXPERTS DRIVING ONE OF THE WORLD’S LARGEST ECOMMERCE SITES   LEARN:  * How the shift to mobile…

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