Thank You 2013 Scholarship Donors

2013 ITWomen Scholarship Fundraiser  $57,000 Raised For Young Women Pursuing Technology and Engineering  CELEBRITY CIO TOURNAMENT PLAYERS  ABB Optical Group Citrix CIMA Telecom Cross Country Home Services Florida International University HBO Latin America Interval Leisure Group JM Family Enterprises Miami-Dade County MotionPoint Mount Sinai Medical Center Newport News Shipbuilding, a division of Huntington Ingalls Industries  Perry…

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Experts – Q&A Maximum Performance with SharePoint

Pat Smith OurKids Lee Allen ABB CONCISE Optical Group Brenda Kepner NCL Norwegian Cruise Line  Rick Regueira IPC Independent Purchasing Cooperative Shams Zuha AAJ Technologies An expert panel on SharePoint gave a wide range of insightful observations and solutions for maximizing the adoption and use of MicroSoft’s business collaboration platform at ITWomen’s July 19, 2012,…

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