ITWomen 2023 Scholarship Awards

ITWomen scholarship recipients receive a send-off gift of essentials for their college journey.

It was such an honor to present $24,000 in ITWomen technology and engineering scholarships to amazing young women at our 2023 awards ceremony. ITWomen Charitable Foundation has provided $875,000 in STEM college scholarships to 138 female graduates of high schools across South Florida in the past 20 years. Congratulations to our newest ITWomen Scholars: Karina…

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Congrats! ITWomen 2020 Scholarship Winners

It is with great pleasure that I announce ITWomen’s 2020 Scholarship winners! Ten young women were selected from an outstanding field of applicants, and we celebrated their accomplishments and dreams at a virtual awards ceremony on May 28. We are delighted to be able to support these young ladies: Andrea Hernandez     Miami Lakes Educational…

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Ryder Hosts Agile Transformation in the Enterprise – ITWomen Professional Development program

  Agile Transformation in the Enterprise, a part of ITWomen’s Professional Development series this year, was a phenomenal success. Our host Ryder created a welcoming atmosphere for over 100 guests, showcasing their beautiful state-of-the-art-facilities. Ryder’s team Shawna Cartwright, Vinita Rajpal and Tresha Daise did an outstanding job of developing an engaging program, packed with Agile…

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